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Welcome to 3-2-1 Tuesdays with Better Wellness Naturally- Finding Freedom in Your Authentic Self

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Quick bits of therapeutic info and learning, ideas, concepts, and quotes.

Brought to you by Better Wellness Naturally

3: Keys

2: Concepts

1: Quick Article

"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."— Ralph Waldo Emerson

3 Keys to Understanding, Overcoming, and Embracing Your True Self:
  1. Understanding Authenticity: Living authentically means aligning your actions and choices with your true values, beliefs, and desires. It involves being genuine and true to yourself, rather than conforming to externally imposed expectations.

  2. Barriers to Authenticity: Common obstacles to authenticity include fear of judgment, societal expectations, and internalized beliefs. Society often imposes norms and standards that pressure us as individuals to conform (i.e., the pandemic), which can lead to a disconnection from our true selves. Fear of judgment from others can likewise cause us to hide our authentic selves to avoid criticism or rejection. Internalized beliefs, often formed during childhood, can also limit our ability to express our true identity.

  3. Embrace Authenticity: Do you really know what you want or what your core values are? Regularly taking time to understand your values, passions, and what genuinely makes you happy is key. Please remember, also, to practice self-compassion as it allows you to better accept yourself without harsh judgment.

A Couple of Concepts
  1. Authenticity and Mental Health: When you are true to yourself, you really do experience reduced anxiety and increased self-esteem—even though initially it may feel like you’re getting “push back” from those around you because of preconceived notions or expectations. Authenticity reduces the stress of trying to fit into the various societal “boxes”, situations, or environments that don't align with your true nature, which, in turn, leads to greater psychological well-being. It’s incredibly liberating to say, “That doesn’t work for me.”

  2. Cultivating Authentic Relationships:  When you are authentic, you attract others who appreciate you for who you really are. Authentic relationships are based on mutual respect, trust, and understanding, which are essential for emotional intimacy and long-term relationship satisfaction.

A Quick Overview:

Embracing one's authentic self is more than just a popular phrase; it is a scientifically backed path to improved mental health and overall well-being.

Authenticity involves aligning one's actions and behaviors with their true values, beliefs, and desires, which, in turn, supports a sense of integrity, self-acceptance, and self-respect.

Research in psychology has consistently shown that individuals who live authentically experience lower levels of stress and anxiety, and higher levels of life satisfaction and self-esteem. A study by Kernis and Goldman (2006) highlights that authenticity is a key component of psychological well-being. When we live authentically, we are also much more likely to engage with people and in activities that genuinely interest us and thus, live a more harmonious, meaningful, and enjoyable life.

The journey to authenticity often involves overcoming significant barriers, though. Our families and friends have certain expectations, and no matter where we live or work, society tends to impose norms and standards that can pressure us to conform. And this can be challenging.

Embracing self-reflection and mindfulness practices can help create meaningful change, however. Studies have shown that engaging in these practices allows us to gain a clearer understanding of what truly matters to us and what aligns with our true values and desires. Brene Brown’s research supports this perspective. According to Brown (2010), practicing self-compassion and mindfulness helps individuals overcome the perceived barriers to personal authenticity. Embracing our choices of who we are can lead to a greater sense of emotional freedom and self-acceptance.

Additionally, research by Ryan and Deci (2000) on self-determination theory suggests that authenticity is linked to intrinsic motivation, which drives individuals to pursue goals that are truly meaningful to them.


  1. Brown, B. (2010). The Gifts of Imperfection: Let Go of Who You Think You're Supposed to Be and Embrace Who You Are. Hazelden Publishing.

  2. Kernis, M. H., & Goldman, B. M. (2006). A multicomponent conceptualization of authenticity: Theory and research. Advances in Experimental Social Psychology, 38, 283-357.

  3. Harter, S. (2002). Authenticity. In C. R. Snyder & S. J. Lopez (Eds.), Handbook of positive psychology (pp. 382-394). Oxford University Press.

  4. Ryan, R. M., & Deci, E. L. (2000). Self-determination theory and the facilitation of intrinsic motivation, social development, and well-being. American Psychologist, 55(1), 68-78.


"Attending this retreat was an incredibly life-changing experience that transformed my outlook and empowered me to achieve amazing things I only once dreamt of. Dr. Garrison is an exceptional facilitator whose loving guidance and authentic support made all the difference. I can't recommend it enough and cannot wait to attend again!" DV, past attendee


by Laura Weber Garrison, PhD

New Editorial Review!:

"Damaged Rudders" is an essential guide for anyone seeking to navigate the challenging journey of trauma recovery. Laura Weber Garrison, PhD, masterfully combines her personal experiences with practical, evidence-based strategies, offering readers a transformative approach to healing. Through creativity, restorative yoga, artistic expression, and spiritual insights, Dr. Garrison provides a comprehensive, science-supported toolkit for building resilience and self-discovery.

This book is not just another self-help manual; it’s a deeply inspiring invitation to reclaim your life and rediscover your inner strength. Each page resonates with Dr. Garrison’s dedication to encouraging creative resilience and promoting lasting change. "Damaged Rudders" helps readers reconnect with their true selves and embrace a life filled with purpose and joy.

For anyone ready to embark on a journey of deep healing and transformation, "Damaged Rudders" is an indispensable read.”


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